Tuesday, October 14, 2014

QUOTA September 2014 - 2

QUOTA: September 2014

July/August 2014 Q.U.O.T.A.

June 2014  Quick Update on the Armstrongs

Dear Friends,
Here's a short summary of the last few weeks, along with a preview of the next 2 weeks. We ask
you to pray for us over the next 2 weeks as we will be in Kalimantan from 14 to 27 June, along
with Loren Warkentin (Janet's brother) and Darrel Davis (both are former RBMU / World Team
missionaries to Kalimantan.)
April 22
I returned to Canada; my mother passed away a few hours after I arrived back in Grunthal on the
23rd. What a blessing to be able to see her again for even a short time, and to be with my 2 sisters
who have spent so much time taking care of her. Mom was 97.
May 10
I arrived back in Singapore after spending a few days with our children in Vancouver.
May 13 - 21
We were in Kalimantan for both GPPIK meetings and to meet with SIM leaders.
May 24
I had to get a new hard drive on my computer, as the old one was giving me so much trouble that
I could hardly get anything done. Though I had backed-up everything on a portable drive, I could
not get my address book to work. :(
May 27-June 1
We had a short holiday in Bali just before our World Team Asia
Family Conference which was June 2-8). Returning home late on
June 8, we then had a few days to work on things before the arrival
of Loren and Darrel. During that time my son Joel was able to
coach me (via Skype) through the process of finding lost files and
getting most of my addresses back. (If you are reading this, you
are not lost somewhere :)... but there are for sure some addresses
still missing :(.....)
Our trip to Kalimantan will be a busy 2 weeks of traveling to various
places to listen to, talk and pray with various church leaders.
We ask that you pray for wisdom for the 4 of us, as well as a
sense of God's leading in all of our opportunities to meet with our
national leaders. Our desire is to see God's glory reflected in the
lives of our church leaders, to see them encouraged and excited
about ministry.
Thank you for partnering with us and praying for us and our colleagues.
In His Strong Arms,

Henry & Janet

Wednesday, April 16, 2014




May 2013 - Difficult times...

Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
(Psalm 42:5 / 42:11 / 43:5)

I find that this is the prayer of my heart right now. We humans do not like conflict, struggle
or uncertainty. But through this we are drawn closer to the Lord, if we bare our hearts to
Him, confess that we are helpless without Him, and ask Him to take over. “Lament” is how
one pours out their soul to God, especially when things are not making sense.
Notice how the psalmist pairs his cry with a statement of praise and confidence in God. He
knew where the only place of comfort and refuge was, and his longing for God brought
the answer of God’s steadfast love and a song in the night (when life is at its darkest)!
Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.
(Psalm 42:5 / 42:11 / 43:5
Personal Prayer Requests:
for PEACE of heart and mind as we seek the Lord’s will
for CLEAR DIRECTION for future (ministries and place of ministry)
for REST of body and soul as we work through this move
for WISDOM in making the right choices

Challenging Times
The company we are under in Singapore was started to provide us with an employment
pass to carry out our ministries here and in SE Asia. However, we have failed to meet the 
expectations of our Singapore board since June 2012 when my (Henry’s) Singapore 
employment pass was granted. We have been informed that my employment pass will be 
withdrawn end of August 2013.
Back in late 2011, we rejoiced that the company was started and we would be returning 
to Singapore to continue with training of missionaries, mentoring leaders in Kalimantan, 
doing some member care here and helping with Indonesian Domestic Workers in Singapore. 
Then last year God answered our prayer for an employment pass and provided a good 
house to rent (with rooms for guests and to do member care).
This situation has been a challenging turn of events for us. In a secular job a person might 
either take something offered elsewhere or just leave the company. In missions, it is a bit 
more complicated. As well, I feel there needs to be a sense of call and a direction in which 
to go. And right now that is where we are stuck, since we felt certain God was calling us 
to Singapore and still feel called here.
Along with World Team (global), we are waiting on the Lord for His thoughts and plan 
for us. Our times are in His hands, and we continue to learn to trust Him in all things.
Plans for the near future:
June—We will be involved in a Korea-Global Mission Leaders Forum at the Overseas 
Ministry Study Centre in New Haven, Ct. We will go back to Canada a few days early to 
be able to visit our children in Vancouver (May 27-June 4) & our home church and Henry’s 
mom in Grunthal (June 4-9).
After the KGMLF we will having a “debriefing” in the Toronto area and will also visit our 
World Team Canada office.
July—Back in Singapore. Many details, plans and preparation for the future will need to be 
worked out.

On August 25, 2012, we were happy to receive Byron Wiebe into our family - and we know Byron's parents were happy to receive Joey into theirs! The wedding was fabulous... a picnic in the park.. with great weather, a lot of really neat people from all walks of life, from far and near... church and family and work friends... a good time was had by all.

We've come a long way......

About Me

from rural Manitoba, Providence College & Seminary alumni, happily married to Janet (nee Warkentin) since 1979, Lived in Kalimantan, Indonesia 1981- 95. Singapore since 2000

World Team Prayer Fellowship

World Team Prayer Fellowship
Wonderful people living in Abbotsford and Chilliwack, BC

Grad Shows

Grad Shows
Joel at his grad show

Grad Shows

Grad Shows
Andrea at her display

All the King's men

All the King's men
Our Singapore group meets with a number of PPIK Leaders

On the line

On the line
Members of BPMC Singapore straddle the Equator in Pontianak

Christmas 07

Christmas 07
Our Indonesian Fellowship Christmas